Block Schedule
and Help Desk
Sign-in (i.e. receiving your participant lanyard and welcome pack) and help will be available from the Help Desk for the entire duration of the conference day (08.30 until 18.00). On the Monday morning, the Help Desk will be open slightly earlier, from 08.00.
You only need to sign-in once, and you may do so whenever the Help Desk is open, but you must sign-in before going to any conference sessions or events.
For single-day participants, the Help Desk will be open in the half-hour before the day begins (08.30-09.00) so that you may sign-in before your day begins!
Lunch is provided for all participants. We have ensured that there is a half-hour of lunch from 13.00 until 13.30 each day that does not overlap with any sessions.
If you wish to go to a lunch session, you will need to collect your lunch during that half-hour and take it with you. Details of the lunch sessions can be found on the Special Lunches page.
If you do not wish to attend a lunch session, you will have a full hour and a half to take a break!
Poster Session
In lieu of a formal Coffee Break, refreshments will be served at the poster session to encourage your participation! 😉
Parallel Sessions
A breakdown of parallel sessions is now available on the block schedule below. You can view the abstracts for these sessions on the Parallel Sessions page.
❗ Please note: the below schedule is subject to change.
🔎 If the below schedule does not render in your browser, you may alternatively view the schedule directly.
Schedule last updated: 03-07-2022