NAM Community Session
Are you interested in the future of UK astronomy and space science? Are you curious about the plans of funding bodies and facilities? Do you have ideas for how to improve our field?
Whether you're an early career researcher, more established in your career, or an interested non-professional, the community session is a chance to hear from senior figures in astronomy and space science and put your questions (whether straightforward or challenging) to people shaping our science.
In this session, chaired by Professor Mike Edmunds (President of the Royal Astronomical Society), we'll hear from speakers including:
- Professor Mark Thomson - Executive Chair of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
- Sean Rowlands - UK Research Office Brussels
- Dr Caroline Harper - Head of Space Science at the UK Space Agency
- Professor Isobel Hook - UK representative on the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Council
This session will be held on Wednesday 13 July at 14:00 in the Warwick Arts Centre Theatre, and livestreamed on our online conference platform. Questions will be taken live from members of the Theatre audience, or from any attendee via the Q&A functionality in the online conference platform.