Guide for Online Attendees
Thank you for attending NAM2022 online. We are really looking forward to welcoming you to the conference, and hope that you enjoy it.
We have put together this guide to provide some information about the practicalities of attending the conference through the online ReAttendance platform.
Other guides are available for:
- Session organisers
- In-person speakers and poster presenters
- In-person attendees
- Online speakers and poster presenters
- Lunch session organisers
Guides will be updated semi-regularly, so please check the date of last update to see if there have been any changes.
Last updated: 11th July 2022 with more information about session recordings, and accessing the ReAttendance pklatform
Code of Conduct
You are expected to abide by the code of conduct that you agreed to when registering for the conference.
To report a violation of the code of conduct, please use the reporting form (a link to the form will be available here soon).
The NAM 2022 organisers retain the right to take any actions to maintain a welcoming environment for all participants. This includes warning the offender, at the sole discretion of the organisers, or expulsion from the conference with no refund.
ReAttendance Platform
All in-person attendees have full access to the ReAttendance online platform. You should have received an invitation from ReAttendance containing your personalised link to join the platform; if you have not received this email, please contact the LOC and we will investigate.
The full conference schedule is available to view on the platform. You are able to filter by day of the week, or create a personalised timetable by selecting the sessions that you’re interested in.
By clicking on a particular session in the timetable you will be able to see more information about it, and then click through to view the stream of that session.
Each session has its own Q&A functionality where you can ask questions. This Q&A will be monitored by the session chairs to ensure that online attendees’ questions aren’t missed.
Networking and interaction
The ReAttendance platform allows attendees to contact each other using a text-based channel, or to chat one-on-one via video chat. You are able to control whether you’re available to be contacted in this way using the toggle at the top of the platform marked “networking”
There are both chat boxes for each session (in the right-hand side), and global event chat (accessed using the speech bubbles at the top of the screen near the dark mode toggle). These are separated and visually distinguished to make it easier to tell which one you are using.
Help with the platform
At the bottom of the platform there will be a speech bubble button with a blue background. If you need technical help, please use this button to contact ReAttendance support.
Session recordings
All plenaries and parallel sessions will be recorded as standard, and will be available for attendees to watch back after the conference. Please be aware that some speakers may request that their talk be removed from the recording